Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pregnant Pictures 21 Weeks

So since I am finally half way done with the pregnancy I figured I should post some pictures of the baby bump. So Alex and I went out to dinner last night at Macaroni Grill with a Old high school friend. It was great to catch up.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sorry for the long post but when you don't update in 3 months then you get this....

Life has been so busy in the last few months we have found out that we are pregnant, gone to Utah for a week and a half over Christmas and New Years, gone to Pheonix, AZ to spend time with friends, gone back to Utah for Alex's grandmother's funeral, had four different groups of people come and stay with us. Found out that we are having a baby girl, Alex finished another block week, went to Mesquite NV to spend more time with friends, put in a new microwave, put in a new fan. We had so much fun doing it all!!!!

Thats right for those of you that I have not talked to in a while we are EXPECTING!!! FINALLY We were pretty excited to find out the good news, not really expecting it that soon though. In December I just had a gut feeling that we may be expecting so I went to the dollar store and bought a few pregnancy tests. After I took the first test Alex did not believe it because it was a cheap test so then we did another one, He still did not believe it so before we left town for Christmas Vacation I decided to go to the doctor, they called me later that day while I was at work and told me. I was so excited to do the "I told you so" dance to Alex and I just could not wait, so I texted him "Your going to be a DADDY!" Well come to find out he was right in the middle of his last final when he recieved the text. He said that after that he couldn't focus anymore. We then drove home to Utah for Christmas it was great and we were able to see all of our family and friends. While we were down there my sister had her third child it was awsome that she had him while we were in town. When we got back in town we had Kasie, Alex's sister come and stay with us in January, we always have such a great time together, she is so much fun. After that I flew home again for Dylan's baby shower. Then the next month we went to Pheonix to spend time with one of Alex's mission companions. It was so much fun the weather was so nice. Alex actually left a can of unopened soda in my car and it exploded because it was so hot. The next weekend was kind of crazy, Alex's grandmother had passed away and we needed to fly home for the funeral but we had friends already scheduled to come into town. We went and they still came, lucky for us they were able to come pick us up from the airport. The next weekend Alex's brother (Cody), his wife (Kayla), Kasie (sister) all came to town to stay with us. We went hiking at Red Rock Canyon it was so much fun we had a great time. Lon and Karen also came down for the day and we went to the Paris buffet which was so good. So the first 4 months of my pregnancy went pretty fast becasue I really had no time to think about the baby. Which brings us to this last month, me being OCD had to find out what we are going to have because I felt that I need to get everything ready for the baby, so the whole time I've wanted a little boy. I don't know why, but that's what I wanted. Everyone kept saying that it was going to be a girl and I would disagree with them. Well the day came and we went in and sure enough they told us that it is a GIRL, I started to cry, but now I think that I am going to be okay. I went shopping and it took care of everything=) There are so many cute girl things. Which finally brings us to this last weekend.

This last weekend we were able to have most of my family in town, the weather was okay but we still managed to have a great time. We were able to go ride the Boulder City Train which was kind of a waste of money but Ace had a great time seeing the trains and riding them.

After the train ride we went to the Las Vegas Strip to the M & M and the Coke factories. The kids loved to see the M & M stuff and the 3D movie. The coke bear was a little scary for the Ace Bug but Kiwi got her picture with the bear.

After a long day at the Strip and the trains Ace and Kiwi decided it was time for ice cream!!!

On Sunday we went to the park and had an Easter Egg Hunt and a picnic!!!! McKenlee got her first Easter presents. It was such a beautiful day and the kidos had so much fun playing out side at the park. (You can kind of see the baby bump)