Thank you McKenlee for the best six months of our lives!!!:) It is crazy to think that six months ago today I was lying in a hospital bed recovering from delivery. Little did we know how much our lives where going to change since then. We have had many smiles, laughs, tears, screaming sleepless nights, throw ups, and dirty diapers, but having McKenlee in our lives is worth it all. We love her so much and can't wait to see what new thing she does next. She is such a blessing and has brought such a beautiful spirit into our home. We love you McKenlee.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful little family. This Valentine’s Day was totally different than in years past. For the last 5 years I have shared this day with the one I love but this year I was able to share it with the 2 that I love. We are so lucky to have this little angel in our lives we love her so very much, she is the best thing that has happened to us. She is the best Valentine that anyone could give me. I love you McKenlee and I look forward to each day I get to learn from you, Alex thank you so much for all you do and for our beautiful little daughter:)
McKenlee and I went on yet another trip to Utah. We got such a great deal on flights we could not pass it up. We always have a great time with family. McKenlee always gets spoiled, and uncle Justin always gives her stuff that she should not be having at home. Notice the blue tongue that would be uncle justin's doing. he thinks that he is so funny:) McKenlee helping the family make carmel popcorn for the superbowl. She's going to be a Junk food Junky thanks to uncle Justin and Grandpa. Once again McKenlee with something she probably should not have!!! Grandma Quanette and McKenlee My sister is starting a new photography business so while she was taking a few pictures I also pulled out my camera and got a few pictures. I thought these were to cute. Grandpa and McKenlee eating pizza. McKenlee feeding herself. She thinks she is so big!!
Once again better late than never. McKenlee had her 4 month well child check 2 weeks ago. (almost 5 months old) Weight: 14 pds 12 oz 25-50% Height: 26 1/2 inches Off the chart:) (she takes after her daddy!!!)
McKenlee still loves the tub, she loves to suck on anything she can find. So is so funny.
Ok Ok Ok, I know I am a little late but better that never. Here are some pictures of our first christmas together as a family. It was some much fun to have someone else to share the day with. McKenlee brings so much joy to our lofes we love here so much!!!
Hi this is Charidee and Alex. We have been married now for three years and it is crazy how time flies. We lived in Ogden, UT where we met.We lived there for the first three years of our marriage and now medical school has taken us to Henderson, NV. Where it is hot, hot, hot. We currently do not have any children but we have 1 wonderful niece who is still our favorite niece and 3 nephews and 1 more nephew on it way. We love our family so much and they have played such an important role in our lifes and have help us become who we are today. We did have two gold fish that we considered our children but with the move we decided to let their Grandma Jennifer take over guardian ship for now. We miss our fish:).